Snoring Remedies: Know- Why Snoring Happens? Get rid of it with these easy ways

Nasal Dilator
3 min readMar 1, 2022


Many people have a habit of snoring while sleeping. Sometimes the sound of these snoring is so loud that it disturbs even the people sleeping side by side. Sometimes loud snoring also indicates a serious problem.

snoring problem
Snoring Problem

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Why snoring occurs?

A crackling sound comes out during snoring. This happens when the flow of air during breathing causes vibrations in the tissues located in the throat. When you sleep deeply, the muscles in your mouth, tongue and throat get relaxed. During this, the tissues of the throat become so loose that they partially block the airway and due to this vibrations start.
The narrower the airway, the faster the flow of air. This tissue increases the vibrations, making the sound of snoring louder. There can be many reasons for snoring such as sinus problems, excessive consumption of alcohol, allergies, cold or obesity. It is also associated with a disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Snoring Remedies can be got rid of the problem of snoring in some ways.

Change sleeping pattern

When you sleep on your back, the tongue and palate constrict the airways and this causes the sound of vibrating during sleep. Sleeping on the side helps to prevent this. Sleeping on a pillow equal to the body also reduces snoring because it maintains the balance of the body on one side. Sleeping with the head elevated also reduces snoring as it opens the airway passages of the nose and stops snoring. However, it can also cause sore throat.

lose weight

Weight loss can also help some people with snoring problems. However, this does not apply to everyone. Some thin people also snore. If you did not snore earlier and after gaining weight you have started having this problem, then losing weight can get rid of snoring. Snoring comes more due to the increase in fat around the neck.

Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol constricts the muscles of the throat, due to which snoring starts. Experts say that drinking alcohol four to five hours before bedtime increases the chances of snoring. Generally, people who don’t have snoring issues reported that after drinking alcohol they started snoring.

Make the right habit of sleeping

The reason for not sleeping on time also increases the problem of snoring. After waking up late, when you go to bed, the body gets completely tired and you go to very deep sleep. In this condition muscles started compressing and snoring starts.

Keep the nostrils open

Keeping the nasal airway passages open can help if you snore through the nose. It pulls the air slowly inwards. Snoring comes more when the nose is blocked due to cold or any reason. Taking a bath with warm water before sleeping opens the nostrils. Washing the nose with salt water also helps in snoring.

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Change your pillow

Sometimes snoring also occurs due to pillow allergies. Dust mites deposited in the pillow can cause allergies, due to which snoring can occur. Keep your pillow in the open air once every two weeks and change your pillow every six months. This can reduce your snoring problem.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids and keep yourself hydrated. Due to dehydration, the nose and palate become sticky and due to this, snoring comes more. To overcome this, drink plenty of water and increase the amount of liquid diet.



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Nasal Dilator

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